See The Faces, NOT Just The Tree.

This morning I have the pleasure to speak and celebrate at St. Mark’s, Syracuse I am not a big puzzle person, but the puzzles I do enjoy are the picture puzzles in which you are asked to find the pictures hidden within the picture. Currently there is a sketch of a tree making the rounds…

Fear and Anger vs. Peace and Love

When our daughters were growing up, I don’t think a week went by when one of them didn’t complain how a decision either Maureen or I had made was not fair. To this I would often reply, “I am the parent, I don’t have to be fair, I just have to look out for your…

Mercy, It’s Not Just For Paul

As I begin the homily this morning, I invite everyone to take a moment to make a mental list of what you are grateful for. In this morning’s reading from Paul’s First Letter to Timothy, St. Paul tells his young protégé that he is grateful. Grateful for what? Grateful for God’s mercy. I am not…

We are the Clay

I suspect, like every parent, Maureen and I have a small collection of oddly shaped pottery that our daughter’s made either while in grade school or at camp. I believe these “one of a kind” pieces are all supposed to be some sort of bowl or vase. I think this is so, because all of…