The Perfect within the Imperfect

Thirty years ago I was given Barbara Robinson’s tale of the “Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” Her story takes place in what could be any church, in any town across America in which the Christmas story is told through the innocence of Children. Just like our pageant which took place last week, this pageant was shrouded…

Mary the Revolutionary?

So often we are called to serve justice. At Baptism, we vow to strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect dignity of every human being. In the Bible, justice is mentioned 194 times. In Psalm 72, the writer asks ‘Give the king your justice, O God, and your righteousness to a king’s son.”…

Prepare the Way

For twelve years I traveled the 170 mile stretch of the New York Throughway between Syracuse and Lee, Massachusetts at least fifty times. And it seems, every time I traveled this stretch of highway some part was under construction. More often than not, there were two or three sections of construction. All of this construction…