The Trinity, and Our relationship with Each Other

There is the old story of the wise father, who after growing frustrated with his four sons’ constant fighting sent them out to collect sticks from the nearby woods. As the four young men brought their collection of sticks to their father, the father asked each of them to divide the sticks into four piles….

Today  is Pentecost

This morning we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and the Good News of Christ was spoken in the languages of the known world. Traditionally, this day has been celebrated as the birthday of the Church, it has also been seen as the reversing of the…

Abide? In Christ’s Love.

There are four periods within our three year lectionary cycle that I find difficult to preach each week.  This is three of them. Every year, for the last three Sunday’s of the Easter Season, our Gospel focuses on Christ’s final words or discourse to the disciples.  While the final discourse is quite lengthy, the topic…

Be the Love of Christ

On the Monday after Easter, I had the privilege of presiding at Harriet Provost’s funeral.  When her daughter Cherie and I met to plan the service, we knew it would be small, because at 92 we knew there were not a lot of friends left to grieve her passing. Cherie also knew no one in…

The Peace that Passes Understanding

the following is the Homily preached by Kathleen Hart-Zavoli on April 19, 2015. Picture it:  It is the evening of the Resurrection.  You have already heard Mary Magdalene tell she has seen the Lord.  You are locked in a room with other disciples of Jesus.  Not just the chosen Apostles of Jesus but those who…